“Welcome to the We Are Chaffee Podcast, a conversational podcast of community, humanness, and well-being rooted in Chaffee County, Colorado.”

~ Adam Williams (host), at the beginning of each episode

This podcast is part of the broader We Are Chaffee storytelling initiative, which publishes community stories in multiple formats: video, audio & writing. It also includes the documentary, “A Home in Paradise,” directed and produced by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Julie Speer Jackson.

Topics have included: housing affordability, nutrition and health (e.g. outdoor activities, tick-borne disease, public health programs, Alzheimer’s, postpartum depression & anxiety), identity (e.g. race, gender), substance abuse and recovery, spirituality and faith, social and political challenges, local and broader history, nature and environment, community and entrepreneurship, creativity and change, death and resilience.

These topics and others drift as undercurrents within each of our personal stories. What’s personal often is universal. What’s happening in Chaffee County is relevant elsewhere, too. 

New episodes of the We Are Chaffee Podcast are released on podcast players (e.g. Apple, Spotify) on Tuesdays. Connect with us @wearechaffeepod on Instagram.


The We Are Chaffee Podcast is supported by Chaffee County Public Health.

The show airs on KHEN 106.9 FM in Salida, Colorado, at 2 p.m. on Tuesdays. A newspaper column publishes monthly in the Chaffee County Times (Buena Vista) and The Mountain Mail (Salida).


Email adam [at] wearechaffeepod.com or reach out via Instagram DM @wearechaffeepod.